Tuesday, October 18, 2011

that one time when Jake thought I was going to die

So! On to part two of Archer's birth and it's by far the less "romantic" portion of the evening. Same warning applies as the post before this one, birth is messy and sometimes there are gross things that happen so read at your own risk.
    There we were admiring our gorgeous bundle of joy while my midwife tinkered around on my lower half doing who knows what, I was on cloud nine and having nothing to do with what was happening in our bedroom. "Oh that's weird" Dana said and we came crashing back down to earth, this is not something you want to hear anyone say while staring straight at your privates...she asked Alletta for a clamp which confused me because Archer was just born and I knew she wouldn't clamp the cord while it was still pulsing. I cautiously asked her what was wrong. She said when our big baby was born the cord had a fold in it, she went to unfold it and it started coming apart like a piece of yarn kind of like this:
she clamped the cord before it broke so no harm would come to my sweet baby and then we were left with the dilemma that if I had any problems delivering the placenta she couldn't help and if she can't help that means I would have to drag my tired busted body to the E.R. for a D and C and leave my fresh little babe at home. I understood all of the above with out being told but my poor husband had no idea and when Dana looked up said the cord broke and asked Jake to please pray over me. He did and then she whisked me into the bathroom to try and push the placenta out into the toilet (T.M.I. I know). After a few minutes I got that sucker out and thankfully didn't have to go to the hospital. Upon examining the placenta we discovered it was hanging on to the cord by a two tiny blood vessels. It's incredible how God's hand was on me and my son, with the broken cord and the almost disconnected placenta (I have a pic but it's a little too graphic to share if you want to see it ask me sometime), I felt so well cared for and loved by my Lord. Meanwhile my poor husband was left alone in our bedroom holding his newborn son and thinking he was going to be a widower. I came out of the bathroom with a smile on my face just wanting cuddle time with my two favorite men and Jake seemed flabbergasted at my breezy disposition. He was actually angry, like you almost died and now you want me to cuddle with you?! I need answers! Once we realized why he was upset Dana and I explained to him what really had happened and apologized for not being better communicators. The time was 1ish in the am and I finally had a chance to try and feed my darling boy, but he was so sleepy from our 23 hour ordeal he would only cuddle with my boobs. Our door bell rang while I was trying to nurse and up the stairs bounded my mother, she had just taken a red eye from AZ to CO and since she arrived at the airport so late she took the first mode of transportation down the springs that she could, a town car. This woman dropped so much moula in an effort to make it to the birth of her first grand baby and missed it by an hour (my fault I was supposed to let her know I was officially in labor and in the midst of it all didn't). She came into the room said hello to me, just to be polite, and beelined for her favorite new human being. While the three of us sat in awe of Archer and regaled my mom with the story of his birth my midwife and her assistant did our laundry, left us with care instructions, and a promise to return in the morning to check on us.  It was 5am and finally time to go to bed! 

More on the first 10 days with a baby to come...

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