Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No sleep 'til...

ba-na-nuh-nuh! Brooklyn! I sing this Beastie Boys song to myself almost every night as I trudge back and forth from my room to Archer's room.
It's a good thing my kid is cute.
It's a really good thing that he is so dang adorable because at 19.5 weeks he is still not sleeping through the night. We got close last week but then he started teething and now it is worse than ever. Notice > the newly wrinkled forehead, the dark circles, blood shot eyes, and not pictured my first gray hair.
Our nights go a little something like this:
6pm feed Archer
7pm bathe Archer
8pm put Archer to sleep for the night
9pm pass out in a spit up covered heap
11pm wake up to a pterodactyl scream
2:30am wake up to a velociraptor roar
4am wake up to farts so big I can't believe they are coming out of 16lb baby, followed by the screech of an eagle.
5:30 wake up to a pig squealing and feed Archer
6am get up, get ready, and go to work.

Everyone keeps telling me that things will get better and he has to sleep sometime and while I should take comfort in those words I don't, because I'm tired now and I want him to sleep better starting tonight.

Any suggestions friends? Here's a list of things we've tried:
tummy sleeping
side sleeping
back sleeping
gas drops
gripe water
no cry
dark room
bright room
dim room
door open
door shut
sound machine

recently we've tried
hylands teething gel
ora gel
pacifiers (which work until they fall out of his mouth once he falls asleep)
tylenol and motrin (for teething not just to drug him)
an extra feeding before he goes down
banana after breast feeding
rice cereal after breast feeding

Until we figure out how to help this baby sleep I'll continue to be a zombie Mon-Fri and try to catch up on my sleep during his nap times Sat-Sun